Welcome to Eye Doctors first Grand Round for 2017 on Wednesday 29th March

Venue: Novotel Hotel, Green Lane East

Time: refreshments from 5.45pm, the event starts promptly at 6.30pm

Keynote Speaker - Dr Shuan Dai - Double vision after cataract surgery, what causes it?

Dr Mark Donaldson - Vitreomacular Adhesion

Dr Andrew Riley - Diabetes diagnosis update

Dr Penny McAllum - Highlights from the Australian and New Zealand Cornea Society Annual Meeting

Please register by phoning reception on 09 520 9689, or e.mailing us at reception@eyedoctors.co.nz

We look forward to seeing you.

1.51 Clinical Diagnosis(CD) and 0.26 general credits

Proudly sponsored by Bausch and Lomb.

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